After finish working then straight away rushing back and start busy preparing.
Finish get dressed and had my lunch then asked dad to fetch me over The Mines there and meet up with Yim Chi and Sze Wei.
Reached Sze Wei there around 1pm and we start doing our work!
First,we get out all the ingredients and put them on the table for us to take the photos.
After that,we listened to Sze Wei's mother instruction.She kindly showed us all the procedures on how to bake a sponge cake.We listened carefully and I was the one who jot down all the details on the piece of paper.
Aunty helped us a lot.She teached us how to bake and told us what are the steps to follow.
We busy here and there.To make the story short,we put our sponge cake into the oven for an hour and turned the temperature to 150 degree Celcius.
And finally we did it! Our mission was succeed.Just left the written part need to complete.Our group assignment was succeed!!!
p/s: The taste of the cake really not bad! We got the potential to become a baking chef ~~
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