a letter for you

Dear yuet:

Finally it's the date you left us last night. We whole cp gang buddies did go and get the last moment together be with you i think.(except for ws)
Well, although we are not so many bunch of that if compared with your bro but then i think that's not the main point at all because we are connecting each other through our own heart.

The heart we connecting is never ended until forever i guess.
Today's class ended earlier and i was like wanna text you to ask a lunch or even high tea together as we did usually.
But then when i think about it, you already left. LMAO

Not to say that wanna let your tears drop or whatever, but it's quite true that I already get used to have memorable moments together with you.
NO more makan ice or even dessert at 潘记, no more high tea at 大米, no more K session, no more movies, no more shopping, no more chit chatting, no more yam cha at Ambank i guess...
But i think it's all right because i know that time flies and passes without any signal.
365days should be passed quickly i guess.

As a promise among cp gang buddies(at least me n guan n jackson) already planning that wanna save $$$ 99 and head on to AUS.
A promise among us, cp gang buddies...

Got the message that you already reached there safely, TAKE CARE my BFF.
Everything needed to be taken care by your own self, but i know you are able to handle it well, so no worries right?

Jackson is the one who is damn depressed i guess.
Can feel through the emotion as well as both of his eyes.
We are tahan-ing of course...
But as we said earlier, we gonna get him out for any outing IF we are able to make it.

Promised that gonna RESERVED my bloggie for you and updated always in order to let you update everything over here so that you won't get too far from us as you told me that day, no worries again.
There's no any distance among cp gang buddies.

TAKE CARE my BFF once again.
It's winter over there, get more clothes on, ya?
I'm just figured out there was long long time ago's picha~
I was still in black hair that time, lol

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