
10月31日, 是万众期待的万圣节, 也是我假期的最后一天
11月1日, 将会实践我生平大学生涯的第一次实习机会, 会在大厦上班, 做个忙碌的上班族

心情? 兴奋吗? 期待吗? 其实也还好, 但却实会有些许紧张, 不晓得会否被为难
但无论如何, 日子总得过, 而且我要把这仅有的两个月实习机会, 好好把握, 充实地渡过每一天

到了广场闲逛, 原想为衣橱添加几件formal wear, 但老是看不上眼
回到家, 被炎热的天气晒得头昏脑涨
原想倒头大睡, 无奈, 却被老爸拖了出去
原因? 老爸说得带我绕绕上班的路程, 免得上班的第一天因迷路而迟到
老爸说, 迟到是大禁忌, 留下坏印象就糟糕了

就这样, 原以为依靠 google maps 的路程去上班, 一切就会一帆风顺
根本就不想去绕路, 再加上炎热的天气, 一丁点儿都不想踏出家半步
但是, 被老爸这样一说, 还是乖乖地从命了

老爸的一路指点, 再三提醒我得牢记某些路牌
到达某处, 老爸也被考倒了
老爸拿着我的笔记簿, 向路人给问了路

那一刻, 老爸快步地跑向的士司机的方向
就在那一刻, 我真的热泪盈眶
对! 老爸真的是用跑的!

特地带领我去绕路, 再三地提醒我牢记路牌

只想说, 有很多的时候, 老爸关爱的方式也许会有点儿不一样
但是, 他还是会因为害怕我们上班会迷路, 而特意带领我们从新往上班的路程绕路
原因? 这就是关爱的表现呗?

只想说, 有很多的时候
但是, 我还是想对老爸说


因为老爸的特意上班路程指引, 想必明天的第一天上班路程铁定会一帆风顺



很出奇意外地 鲜少会在此以白话文 诠释我的情绪
今天的我 有点茫然 有点恍惚 甚至一度怀疑是否灵魂出窍

胸口的闷热 是一种恐惧的象征
很无助 很痛楚

只是知道 这样的情绪波浪很大

仿佛失去了重心 肯本无能平衡自我

一个人 原来没有了梦想
没有奋斗的动力 没有一起努力前进的志气
就像一只熊 没有了发言权利
就像一只豹 没有了王者的非凡

行尸走肉, 绝对不是我的梦想!!!


既然回不了过去 惟有接受现今的变化

放弃 是懦夫的面具
沉默 有的时候绝对不是金
争取 很多时候可能是人生的另一个转折点
至少我曾经小 但我会变大 很努力地让自个儿变大 变强



成为 污点



有人说, 大S的尺度竟然这么大
有人说, 这部片子是部好片子, 分了好几个阶段, 很生活化的爱情片子

我说, 这部太文艺片了
甚至可以说, 到故事的结束片段, 我竟然找不到片子想要表达的讯息


就像大S说的一样, 爱或许根本就没有答案

abby's 22th

It was our psymasslo mushroom aka abby's 22th birthday!!!
She is an old mushroom from now on LMAO
Went to A Yu's brother steamboat shop near Alam Damai there- Yummy steamboat shop to eat 99!!! Long time I didn't eat steamboat buffet already and of course I ate F much as the 38 buddy Jeff kept on saying me I was eating too much! swt

Hello!!! It is steamboat buffet okay??? Of course I needed to keep eating la wei, a boh how am I gonna feel worth of it, right???
Stop pretending that I'm looked an aunty now (LOL)

Well, seriously I ate too much I think until I left something in A Yu's shop there and it seriously freaking rf~rf~rf~

Before ending up this post, wish our 22th mushroom keeps on rocking her hair style forever!!!
Feel curious why we called her mushroom???
No doubt in all the pictures below!!!

OHH ya!!! Forgot to mention that our little rain she finally got her mr.right and that night was our beer night and he did join us as well.
Not gonna upload this new sweet couple's pic as I felt it was toooooooooooo freaking sweet and I was worrying about does my blog attract ants???? lmao


Went for shooting after class last Tuesday with the babewei as I already planned it long long time ago and too sad we couldn't go at the same time as some of them might have something to do.

Too sad that MIAMY and LITTLE RAIN couldn't join us as well :'(
Was planning wanna have some kind of shooting around the abandoned house as I viewed some other photos and it made me feel like wanna have that kind of shoots as well.

Went to Maluri as I knew there is a so called abandoned p
lace as well as a factory and I do not know whether it is still operating or not.
But it is non of my business as well since the main purpose of mine was going to shoot and that is all for me!!!

Bought a packet of balloons before heading to Maluri, star
t driving there with babewei.
For your information and honesty, I was feeling like a bit disappointed since I couldn't get nice shoots for babewei.

Here are some of the pic

After that, went to Bandar Sri Permaisuri as there is a playground over there.
The weather was freaking hot and we couldn't bear it anymore and ciao to Taman Pertama and eat snow ice together :)

Love this kind of outing although not a big bunch of psymasslo but then it was quite fun for me.
I put the folder name as " Colours" as I felt that different colours stand with the different kind of mood and I believed that even pink colour does have its own bravey!!!


她 是朵儿
她 要环游世界

她 是蔷儿
她 要存钱



朵儿说, 一个提拉米苏要台币600块

蔷儿说, 她讨厌堵塞的水沟



* 有人说, 雷光夏的音乐比这部电影来得还要有特色
很可惜, 我不喝咖啡


YEAH!!! Finally I've tried this on my hair!!!! And the main point is it did work!!!!
I was quite depressed about my previous hair colour since it looked so damn uneven and I do have multi layers of colour on my hair

But now I do have a very dark hair and it looked quite healthier if compared with the previous hair colour.

Although I did feel a bit like disappointed to choose this colour, I was feeling like I should choose some kind of lighter colour, but you guys know what???

It is damn tiring to maintain the lighter colour, I meant you needed to keep dying your hair in order to make it looked trendy.

I should say that I really frustrating for doing that.
Thus, I think it was a right choice for me to dye this dark colour.
Although I looked like a primary school kid, but I do not care anymore since I need not to maintain my hair colour anymore!!!

Such a thing that I should celebrate right?
omfg I was damn excited now and I feel like wanna announce to let everyone knows about this.

p/s: For those who is thinking to DIY on the hair dying, please do not feel hesitate to try LIESE because it really works and for your information my previous hair colour was damn scary but not now anymore *teehee

FINALLY it works as I tried few brands before plus I went to saloon somemore SWT


Life is Mika Nakashima's 23rd single, released on August 22, 2007 - according to Wikipedia :P

Gimme her eyes please
Gimme her bangs please

Accidentally cut my bangs just because of Mika fml *secret between you and me LMAO

For your information, I put Mika as my background of lappie and for sure I am facing her every minute once I sit in front of lappie.

No doubt, I always dream to be able to become one of her in the soul. *screaming- I am not crazy
I am not joking.

As I wrote in my quote - I do not care IF I looked awkward, because this is who I am

Whatever you wanna laugh at me, about my bangs, about my dumbness.
Just go ahead!

Ying-Mei Cai

她 是个台湾人
她 不会英文

我妈 是个马来西亚公民
我妈 也不会英文


我妈 的 女儿



看第一遍的时候, 纯粹只爱片里的场景
复古的憧憬, 让人直想回到过去
色调, 打扮, 一切都是我的所属

在 YouTube 寻找了好一段时间

很爱 很爱 很爱
很赞 很赞 很赞